Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's hard to say goodbye

UP again at the crack of dawn and knowing that today was a day to attend the funeral of Dad's uncle I was truly wishing I was the one in Mexico with the margarita. I awoke all the kids but Spooky as he didn't have school today. Mr. 501 rolled out like a trooper and without argument from any of the kids they all got ready in the blink of an eye. As the kids sat down for breakfast, Spooky came upstairs and wanted to see the kids off so he could go to the funeral. Out the door the kids went and I was off to quickly clean up and get to the church by 10. Yesterday (in the words of the two of them) Spooky and Princess went skating on a pond that had no ice. SO his shoes were still wet. I threw them in the dryer in hopes that it would dry what the heater didn't finish last night. After an hour they were still soaked and they were the only shoes he has other than his rubber boots. Dad came up with a great idea. Go to Grandma's and go thru all the old shoes she is saving from Just a Goalie and see if there is anything that fits him.

Spooky and I jumped on the wheeler to make the long ride (1mile) to Grandma's house. We ventured down her muddy driveway splashing mud all over us and on to Grandma's. Once we got there Grandma pulled open her attic dropped the ladder and climbed up to not only find him a pair of hiking boots but cleats too. He was excited. We started to leave and he thanked Grandma for letting him go shopping at 'Grandma's Attic'. She smiled and off we went. Back down the muddy road with him laughing the whole way. When we got to the end of the driveway he turned to me and said, "My mom would never get muddy like this, but you and my dad are crazy and would." I smiled and returned home.

Off to the funeral we go and Spooky really wanted to wear the cleats but we prevailed. Hiking boots it is. People were crying and some smiling and Spooky just watched and never fidgeted or complained. He was such a trooper. Even when he had to walk in with the family procession. After the funeral, we went to the cemetery and he was so interested in the people with the guns and the ones with flag and why they were saluting. It was such an innocence that I know Dad and I needed especially at a time when we know this is "Good-bye". Once the 21 gun salute happened my tears began to fall and he looked up at me and gave me a hug that meant the world to me. It was at that moment I knew this week will end and I will be sad to see them go home and the possibility of us moving away and us having to say good-bye to the kids will be one of the hardest things I will have to do.


Grandma Pam said...

It's hard to say goodbye, but remember...there's fried chicken waiting in California!

Mixed Up Me said...

and Starbucks, and ME!!!